The activity groupings the BLS uses in its published tables are different from the major categories in the activity hierarchy. The primary difference is that the published tables combine a major category and its related travel time together. Exceptions are "Purchasing goods and services", "Organizational, civic, and religious activities", "Leisure and sports", and "Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail." This table provides more details.
Researchers should note that despite similarity in naming convention, BLS time use variables do not necessarily nest neatly. For example, the sum of BLS_PCARE_SLEEP, BLS_PCARE_GROOM, BLS_PCARE_HEALTH, BLS_PCARE_ACT, and BLS_PCARE_TRAVEL is not equivalent to BLS_PCARE. BLS_PCARE includes Personal Care Emergencies (ACTIVITY=0105xx) which is not available as a detailed BLS time use variable.
BLS published tables | ||
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Name | Label |
BLS_PCARE | BLS: Personal care | |
BLS_PCARE_SLEEP | BLS: Personal care: Sleeping | |
BLS_PCARE_GROOM | BLS: Personal care: Grooming | |
BLS_PCARE_HEALTH | BLS: Personal care: Health-related self care | |
BLS_PCARE_ACT | BLS: Personal care: Personal activities | |
BLS_PCARE_TRAVEL | BLS: Personal care: Travel related to personal care | |
BLS_FOOD | BLS: Eat and drinking | |
BLS_FOOD_FOOD | BLS: Eat and drinking: Eating and drinking | |
BLS_FOOD_TRAVEL | BLS: Eating and drinking: Travel related to eating and drinking | |
BLS_HHACT | BLS: Household activities | |
BLS_HHACT_HWORK | BLS: Household activities: Housework | |
BLS_HHACT_FOOD | BLS: Household activities: Food preparation and cleanup | |
BLS_HHACT_LAWN | BLS: Household activities: Lawn and garden care | |
BLS_HHACT_HHMGMT | BLS: Household activities: Household management | |
BLS_HHACT_INTER | BLS: Household activities: Interior maintenance, repair, and decoration | |
BLS_HHACT_EXTER | BLS: Household activities: Exterior maintenance, repair, and decoration | |
BLS_HHACT_PET | BLS: Household activities: Animals and pets | |
BLS_HHACT_VEHIC | BLS: Household activities: Vehicles | |
BLS_HHACT_TOOL | BLS: Household activities: Appliances, tools, and toys | |
BLS_HHACT_TRAVEL | BLS: Household activities: Travel related to household activities | |
BLS_PURCH | BLS: Purchasing goods and services | |
BLS_PURCH_CONS | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Consumer goods purchases | |
BLS_PURCH_GROC | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Grocery shopping | |
BLS_PURCH_PROF | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Professional and personal care services | |
BLS_PURCH_BANK | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Financial services and banking | |
BLS_PURCH_HEALTH | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Medical and care services | |
BLS_PURCH_PCARE | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Personal care services | |
BLS_PURCH_HHSERV | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Household services | |
BLS_PURCH_HOME | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Home maintenance, repair, decoration, and construction (not done by self) | |
BLS_PURCH_VEHIC | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Vehicle maintenance and repair services (not done by self) | |
BLS_PURCH_GOV | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Government services | |
BLS_PURCH_TRAVEL | BLS: Purchasing goods and services: Travel related to purchasing goods and services | |
BLS_CAREHH | BLS: Caring for and helping household members | |
BLS_CAREHH_KID | BLS: Caring for and helping household members: Caring for and helping household children | |
BLS_CAREHH_KIDOTHER | BLS: Caring for and helping household members: Caring for and helping household children (except activities related to education and health) | |
BLS_CAREHH_KIDEDUC | BLS: Caring for and helping household members: Activities related to household children's education | |
BLS_CAREHH_KIDHEALTH | BLS: Caring for and helping household members: Activities related to household children's health | |
BLS_CAREHH_ADULT | BLS: Caring for and helping household members: Caring for and helping household adults | |
BLS_CAREHH_TRAVEL | BLS: Caring for and helping household members: Travel related to caring for and helping household members | |
BLS_CARENHH | BLS: Caring for and helping non-household members | |
BLS_CARENHH_KID | BLS: Caring for and helping non-household members: Caring for and helping non-household children | |
BLS_CARENHH_ADULT | BLS: Caring for and helping non-household members: Caring for and helping non-household adults | |
BLS_CARENHH_ADULTCARE | BLS: Caring for and helping non-household members: Caring for non-household adults | |
BLS_CARENHH_ADULTHELP | BLS: Caring for and helping non-household members: Helping non-household adults | |
BLS_CARENHH_TRAVEL | BLS: Caring for and helping non-household members: Travel related to caring for and helping non-household members | |
BLS_WORK | BLS: Working and work-related activities | |
BLS_WORK_WORKING | BLS: Working and work-related activities: Working | |
BLS_WORK_WORKREL | BLS: Working and work-related activities: Work-related activities | |
BLS_WORK_OTHER | BLS: Working and work-related activities: Other income-generating activities | |
BLS_WORK_SEARCH | BLS: Working and work-related activities: Job search and interviewing | |
BLS_WORK_TRAVEL | BLS: Working and work-related activities: Travel related to work | |
BLS_EDUC | BLS: Educational activities | |
BLS_EDUC_CLASS | BLS: Educational activities: Attending class | |
BLS_EDUC_HWORK | BLS: Educational activities: Homework and research | |
BLS_EDUC_TRAVEL | BLS: Educational activities: Travel related to education | |
BLS_SOCIAL | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities | |
BLS_SOCIAL_RELIG | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Religious and spiritual activities | |
BLS_SOCIAL_VOL | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Volunteering (organizational and civic activities) | |
BLS_SOCIAL_VOLACT | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Volunteer activities | |
BLS_SOCIAL_ADMIN | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Administrative and support activities | |
BLS_SOCIAL_SOCSERV | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Social service and care activities (except medical) | |
BLS_SOCIAL_MAINTEN | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Indoor and outdoor maintenance, building, and cleanup activities | |
BLS_SOCIAL_CULTURE | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Participating in performance and cultural activities | |
BLS_SOCIAL_ATTEND | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Attending meetings, conferences, and training | |
BLS_SOCIAL_CIVIC | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Civic obligations and participation | |
BLS_SOCIAL_TRAVEL | BLS: Organizational, civic, and religious activities: Travel related to organizational, civic, and religious activities | |
BLS_LEIS | BLS: Leisure and sports | |
BLS_LEIS_SOC | BLS: Leisure and sports: Socializing, relaxing, and leisure | |
BLS_LEIS_SOCCOM | BLS: Leisure and sports: Socializing and communicating | |
BLS_LEIS_SOCCOMEX | BLS: Leisure and sports: Socializing and communicating (except social events) | |
BLS_LEIS_ATTEND | BLS: Leisure and sports: Attending or hosting social events | |
BLS_LEIS_SPORT | BLS: Leisure and sports: Sports, exercise, and recreation | |
BLS_COMM | BLS: Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail | |
BLS_COMM_TELE | BLS: Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail: Telephone calls (to or from) | |
BLS_COMM_MSG | BLS: Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail: Household and personal messages | |
BLS_COMM_MSGMAIL | BLS: Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail: Household and personal mail and messages | |
BLS_COMM_MSGEMAIL | BLS: Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail: Household and personal e-mail and messages | |
BLS_COMM_TRAVEL | BLS: Telephone calls, mail, and e-mail: Travel related to telephone calls | |
BLS_OTHER | BLS: Other activities not elsewhere classified | |
BLS_LEIS_RELAX | BLS: Leisure and sports: Relaxing and leisure | |
BLS_LEIS_TV | BLS: Leisure and sports: Watching TV | |
BLS_LEIS_ARTS | BLS: Leisure and sports: Arts and entertainment (other than sports) | |
BLS_LEIS_PARTSPORT | BLS: Leisure and sports: Participating in sports, exercise, and recreation | |
BLS_LEIS_ATTSPORT | BLS: Leisure and sports: Attending sporting or recreational events | |
BLS_LEIS_TRAVEL | BLS: Leisure and sports: Travel related to leisure and sports |
