Questionnaire Text

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Universe: LEAVE = 1 OR (FABS = 1 and PAID_INTRO = 1)
Question text:
Thinking about your longest period of leave in the last seven days, what was the main reason you had to take off from work?

* Read highlighted options.
1. Own illness or medical care [Go to LVPAIN]
2. Illness or medical care of another family member [Go to FAMILL]
3. Childcare, other than for illness
4. Eldercare, other than for illness
5. Vacation
6. Errands or personal reasons
7. Birth or adoption of a child
8. Other
Don't Know/Refusal
{3-8, Don't Know, Refusal} [If FABS = 1 and (PDWK = 3 or PAID ?1),
go to ADJ_Intro]
[Else if FWK = 1 and (PDWK = 3 or PAID does not equal 1), go to ADDLV]
[Else go to LVILL]