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Detailed occupation category, main job


OCC is a 5-digit numeric variable reporting the Census occupational code for the respondent's main job.
99999 = NIU (Not in Universe)



OCC reports the four-digit Census occupational code for the respondent's main job.

Researchers who would like broader occupational categories may wish to use OCC2, which collapses occupation information into fewer, broader categories.

OCC was collected at the time of the ATUS interview. Occupation information for the respondent's main job was also collected at the time of the final CPS interview, 2-5 months before the ATUS interview. See OCC_CPS8 for four-digit Census occupational categories (and OCC2_CPS8for general categories).

If a respondent has another (second) job, OCC_OJ_CPS8 reports the occupation information for that job using the same four-digit Census categories as OCC_CPS8. OCC2_OJ_CPS8 reports occupation information for the second job using the broader categories. Information on the respondent's second job was not collected at the time of the ATUS interview.


From 2003-2010, ATUS occupation codes follow the Census Bureau's 2002 Occupational Classification System. In 2011-2019, ATUS occupation codes follow the Census Bureau's 2010 Occupational Classification System. From 2020 forward, ATUS occupations were classified using the 2018 Occupational Classification System.


  • Employed ATUS respondents.


  • 2003-2023
